“Justin, be kind.”
No doubt I heard this a ton when I was growing up. I have two great parents, and they just keep getting better. I’m blessed.
Being kind is one of those things we are taught throughout life. Just be nice. Things always work out for the best when people are nice.
Being nice builds relationships. This is science. Not being nice does not build relationships. Also science.
All of the amazing opportunities that I’ve had in my career have come when I was nice. And I may have missed out on a few when I slipped. We all slip and fall. Apologize, and pick yourself up.
When you’re nice, people want to be around you. No one really cares what you are “bringing to the table,” as they say, when you’re the one that keeps us smiling. Even when times get tough, kind people bring hope. They remind us all that there’s always a chance good things are coming.
They are our absolute value in both a positive or a negative situation. (Yes, that’s a math analogy.) Kind people always find the positive. And we like to be around people like that.
Negative people wear us out and make the situation uncomfortable (in a bad way). Don’t be that guy or gal. Think of it this way.
Sunny and 75 is nice. I think there is even a song that sings that tune. But when you get out of the pool, a nice dry towel is always welcomed. You dry off and soak in the sun. Life is good.
But we all have that sibling or friend that got out of the pool before us and “borrowed” our towel. Thanks a lot… So when we get out and attempt to dry off, we are met by a wet, cold towel. No one likes a wet towel.
When you’re having a great day and all is well, then someone and their negative attitude walks in, it’s like trying to dry off with that wet towel. It’s uncomfortable. It frustrates you. You just want it to go away.
Don’t be a wet towel.
Be kind. Be positive. Be fun to be around.
I’ve worked closely with a ton of people. I’d always choose to be around the kind, optimistic, fun, and driven people. And it always starts with that kindness thing.
Choose to be yourself, and choose to be kind.